Five eye health approved foods for your holiday feast

Five eye health approved foods for your holiday feastEye health is one of those things that many of us don’t really think about while planning your holiday feast. But since just about everything in our life relies on having accurate vision, it’s safe to say that eating eye health-focused foods should be a priority. Yet that brings the question, what foods actually support your eye health?

Brussel Sprouts and Broccoli

These healthy choices are actually full of vitamins––particularly, vitamin C and vitamin A. Since we know that Vitamin A is imperative for improving your vision, it’s safe to say that consuming these foods can bring about some amazing results! Broccoli and brussel sprouts also have lutein. By eating these vitamins, you will be both boosting your retinal strength and preventing retinal damage from happening in the first place.


Eating salad is something that you should try to incorporate into your daily routine. Salad is amazing because it has lutein, antioxidants, and zeaxanthin. These elements are all amazing if you want to eliminate problems such as macular degeneration. Additionally, salads also help you lose weight and improve your brain function.


Turkey meat is full of Vitamin B3 and zinc. The two compounds protect your eye against cataracts. Turkey is an eye-friendly Thanksgiving staple!

Sweet potatoes

The combination of vitamins C and A makes sweet potatoes great for your eye health. See better during the night, and maintain a healthy amount of collagen in your cornea. Plus, sweet potatoes offer you a very good way to maintain the right body form as well. That alone, combined with their eye health benefits, makes sweet potatoes the perfect treat to indulge on this holiday!


Carrots are well-known as having positive influence on your eye health. They are full of vitamins, such as vitamin A, that help to boost your vision. They are also filled with beta-carotene, a compound that helps you lower your risk of cataracts. Plus, carrots promote a healthy eye surface.

It’s very important to maintain a healthy diet if you want stay in good shape, and you can simultaneously improve your eye health while doing so! These foods can help prevent eye issues from happening in the first place. While it can be very tricky to find the right foods to boost your eye health, if you start eating them often, you will experience these foods’ benefits.. Eating healthy on Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be difficult, and knowing that you’re promoting your vision is a treat in itself!

If you have any questions about other ways you can improve your eye health, please contact us at RevolutionEYES! Another part of overall health is getting regular checkups, so give us a call today at (317) 844-2020 to schedule your appointment.

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